Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Light Square Gallery Art Exhibition Opening Adelaide, South Australia - 22nd September 2010

Christie Anthoney (right), Creative Director, TAFESA, and family

Pro Vice Chancellor UniSA, Professor Pal Ahluwalia with project supporters(right)

Orapin Plummer, President of the Thai Culture Association South Australia

The Earth's waters are both boundaries and pathways for peoples, objects and ideas.
Fumio Nanjo

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Light Square Gallery Art Exhibition Opening Adelaide, South Australia - 22nd September 2010

Workshop artist Mike Sara and family





Chris Bull from Helpmann Academy and workshop artist Sheila Whittam


Workshop artist, Lauryn Arnott (right) with friends

More photographs from the exhibition opening to follow in subsequent posts.

Photos courtesy of the Helpmann Academy.

The Earth's waters are both boundaries and pathways for peoples, objects and ideas.
Fumio Nanjo